Sunday, December 02, 2007

Hiding the Faults of God's Servants

On the night of ascent [Mairaaj] the Prophet -peace be upon him- was given a cloak, and that has been called 'the cloak of poverty.' On returning, he summoned his companions and told them: "I have been given a cloak, with the directive from God: 'Give the cloak to the one who gives that particular answer to my question.'"

After that he turned to Abu Bakr and said: 'If I give you this cloak what will you do?'

Replied Abu Bakr: ' I will be righteous and obedient, zealous but generous.'

After that he asked Umar: 'What will you do with this cloak?'

'I will be just and show fairness,' replied Umar.

Then of Uthman he asked the same question: 'What will you do with this cloak?'

'I will be liberal and generous as well as zealous,' he replied.

And finally to Ali he put the question: 'What will you do with this cloak?'

'I will wrap myself in it
,' replied Ali, ' and I will also wrap in its folds [i.e. hide] the sins of God's servants!'

The Prophet -peace be upon him- said: 'I give this cloak to you Ali, because your answer is the one which I was informed.'

Morals for the Heart, Hazrat Nizam-uddin Aulia -RA


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